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Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
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Vocabulary Words | Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

Vocabulary words from Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Twinkle Talks Vocabulary Garden. In this article we are going to discuss some new vocabulary words that are taken from the famous book “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus” which was written by John Gray.

This book contain a total of 13 topics. The words that I am going to explain taken from the last topic called “Keeping the Magic of Love Alive”.

Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
3Solitary, Solitary Growth
7Barren months of winter
8Surge of resentment
Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

  • Word: Uncharted
  • Meaning: Unfamiliar areas, unexplored or not mapped
  • Synonyms: unknown, undiscovered, unexplored
  • Antonyms: Familiar, explored, charted
“Use this guide (book) as a map to lead you through uncharted lands again and again”

In this sentence “uncharted” means undiscovered or unfamiliar areas. The guide is compared to a map that helps navigate through unknown territory (how to deal with and understand the opposite gender).

  • Exploring uncharted territories can be thrilling.
  • Travelling into uncharted areas requires courage and careful preparation.

  • Word: Persistently
  • Meaning: Continuing firmly or steadily in a course of action despite difficulties or opposition.
  • Synonyms: continuously, steadily
  • Antonyms: inconsistently

By gradually releasing your judgement and blame and persistently asking for what you want, you can create the loving relationships you want

Here, “persistently” indicates the consistent and determined manner in which one should seek what they desire, even with obstacles or challenges.

  • Success often comes to those who persistently pursue their goals despite setbacks.
  • Keerthana Shetty persistently practices her skills every day to improve her craft.

  • Word: Solitary/ Solitary growth
  • Meaning: alone, without assistance or companionship / growth or existence alone
  • Synonyms: alone, isolated, single
  • Antonyms: social, communal

It is a time of solitary growth when we need to look more to ourselves than to our partners for love and fulfillment.

“solitary growth” suggest personal development or progress achieved independently, without dependence on others.

  • Pallavi found relief in solitary walks in nature, where she could reflect and recharge.

  • Word: confronting
  • Meaning: facing or addressing a difficult or challenging situation directly.
  • Synonyms: facing, addressing, tackling
  • Antonyms: avoiding, ignoring

If you are upset with your partner, before confronting him or her, first write out your feelings on paper.

“Confronting” here means dealing with the issue openly or directly, rather than avoiding it.

  • Confronting the issue head-on is the first step towards resolving it.
  • Gayatri hesitated before confronting her fears, but she knew it was necessary for her growth.

  • Word: Dormant
  • Meaning: inactive or asleep, especially temporarily.
  • Synonyms: Inactive
  • Antonyms: active, awake, lively

The wounds from our past that lie dormant within us until the time comes when we feel loved.

“Dormant” suggests that the wounds are present but not currently causing pain or distress, awaiting a trigger to become active.

  • Volcanoes can remain dormant for centuries before erupting again.
  • During the winter months, many plants remain dormant until springs brings warmer weather.

  • Word: Paradox
  • Meaning: a statement or situation that seems conflicting or ridiculous but may be true.
  • Synonyms: Contradiction, enigma
  • Antonyms: Clarity, consistency, certainty

One of the paradoxes of loving relationships is that when things are going well and we are feeling loved, we may suddenly find ourselves emotionally distancing from our partner.

A “paradox” in this context refers to the unexpected or seemingly contradictory nature of emotions or behaviors within a loving relationship.

  • The concept of time travel presents many paradoxes that challenge our understanding of the universe.
  • Aravind’s success in the corporate world was a paradox, considering his easy-going attitude.

  • Phrase: Barren months of winter
  • Meaning: the cold and nothing-pleasent period of winter when growth and activity are limited.
  • Synonyms: empty, bleak
  • Antonyms: Fertile, fruitful, flourishing months of winter.

This phrase describes the harsh and unproductive season of winter when nature appears dormant and lifeless.

  • During the cold, barren months of winter, all of nature pulls back within itself.

  • Phrase: Surge of resentment
  • Meaning: A sudden and intense feeling of bitterness or anger.
  • Synonyms: outburst of bitterness, eruption of anger.
  • Antonyms: calmness

This phrase describes the sudden and overwhelming emotion of anger or bitterness that arises unexpectedly.

  • All of a sudden, I felt a surge of resentment.

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